TuffComfort™ Mat

Product Number 5231

TuffComfort provides affordable comfort while standing with a PVC-free polyurethane synthetic foam.

  • High-density, open cell polyurethane foam helps eliminate pressure to the lower back and legs, providing superior comfort.
  • Molded tread surface cleats offer both safety, providing high traction, and visual appeal with their diagonal design.
  • Beveled edges create a seamless transition from floor to mat, reducing tripping hazards. The surface is grease and oil-proof, while the cushion is grease and oil resistant.

Performs best in dry environments.

2' x 3' (22" x 32")
2' x 6' (22" x 72")


Material: Nitrile rubber

Material: Polyurethane foam

Overall Mat Thickness: 3/4inch (0.75")

  • Hose off or sweep as needed. Spot clean with mild detergent.
  • Always make sure the mat is dry before placing it back in service.